Sarah J. L. Nguyen


Sarah’s been making things for as long as she can remember. Her parents were the first to instill in her the importance of the arts. From museum visits in the stroller to music lessons and pre-college painting and illustration classes, there was always an opportunity to explore and build artistic muscle growing up.

Sarah received a bachelor’s degree in art history from San José State University, and later an associate’s degree in graphic design from Mission College. After working in IP law for over eleven years – a field she fell into by chance – she finally decided to pursue a more creative career.

Now a freelance design consultant, Sarah takes on diverse projects in addition to painting and blogging as Crossing Light Studio. She is on the board of one of the oldest art clubs in California, East Valley Artists, serving as the newsletter editor and co-webmaster. Her strong interest in local history can be seen in her writing and art focused on her home city. Oh, and she’s mom to a budding elementary-aged artist as well.

As someone who is passionate about wondering, learning, making, and sharing discoveries with others, Sarah enjoys the process of exploration that leads to self-expression. She hopes to inspire others to do the same.