Avila Street
“Avila Street” watercolor, 2022. © Sarah JL Nguyen
I’m keeping it short with this post because a lot of projects are swirling, but I wanted to share my most recent commission: a house portrait for my friend, Vi. This gorgeous San Francisco home was a joy to paint, and at 10 x 15 inches, it’s also the largest watercolor I’ve ever done. I thought I’d enjoy working on the various potted succulents the most, but as it turns out, the colorful brickwork was probably my favorite part to paint. I was excited to finally present it to her last month. I’ll be working on another piece for Vi next. Keep an eye out for that, and in the meantime, watch my socials for a series of posts showing timelapses of this painting as it came into existence. (psst… I’m on TikTok now!)